Table of contents:
  • Vol 7.01 - Vayikra 1 : Rashi: "If a person sins"(8)
  • Vol 7.02 - Vayikra 2 : Links-Rashi: "to its rightful owner". Debate in the words of the Kli Yakar in the reason for the adding a fifth(11)
  • Vol 7.03 - Vayikra 3 : Explanation of the obligation "to become intoxicated on Purim until one does not know"(10)
  • Vol 7.04 - Tzav 1 : "Tzav, wherever it occurs, is an expression of "urging," [both] immediately and for [future] generations (9)
  • Vol 7.05 - Tzav 2 : The difference between the two types of Aaron's Korban in Parshat Tzav (9)
  • Vol 7.06 - Chag HaPesach : Debate why they did not decree not to eat Matzah and Maror etc on Pesach that falls on Shabbat because of the "Gezeira d'Rabba" (6)
  • Vol 7.07 - Shemini 1 : Rashi: The gull, and s.v The owl. Debatei in the names fowl. Divine Providence (11)
  • Vol 7.08 - Shemini 2 : Rashi: "between the unclean and the clean:" and "and between the animal that may be eaten." (9)
  • Vol 7.09 - Tazria 1 : Links-Two reasons that man was created at the end.The hint in the name of the Parsha Tazria (6)
  • Vol 7.10 - Tazria 2 : Rashi:"She will remain" The aspect of sitting is an expression of "remaining" according to Chassidut. Days of purity (12)
  • Vol 7.11 - Tazria 3 : Rashi: "It shall be washed a second time and it shall be purified" (8)
  • Vol 7.12 - Metzora 1 : Links-The name of the Parsha. The inner aspect of "Metzora" and its purification through the Kohen (5)
  • Vol 7.13 - Metzora 2 : Debate betwwen Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel if a woman observed a discharge on the eleventh day must Biblically wait a day. Potental and actual (12)
  • Vol 7.14 - Acharei 1 : Rashi: "And the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of Aaron (6)
  • Vol 7.15 - Acharei 2 : Complete-Rashi:" And he did as the L-rd had commanded (6)
  • Vol 7.16 - Kedoshim 1 : Links-"And in the fifth year, you may eat its fruit; Meeting between the Baal Shem Tov and the ascetic scholar (8)
  • Vol 7.17 - Kedoshim 2 : Rashi: [A man or a woman] who has [the sorcery of] Ov or Yidoni
  • Vol 7.18 - Emor 1 : Talmud "to admonish the adult [[Kohanim to be responsible] for the minors" applies to Kohanim etc (6)
  • Vol 7.19 - Emor 2 : Links - How did G-d allow Himself to become "ritually impure" with the burial of Moshe Rabbeinu (5)
  • Vol 7.20 - Emor 3 : Complete - Rashi: "and the children of Israel did: the whole procedure of stoning etc (12)
  • Vol 7.21 - Behar 1 : Links - Debate of Talmud Bavli and Yerushalm if Shemittah is observed from the Torah if the Jubilee (Yovel) is not observed (5)
  • Vol 7.22 - Behar 2 : Complete - Rashi: "I am the L-rd: Who is faithful to give reward" (13)
  • Vol 7.23 - Bechukotai 1 : Complete- Debate if wild beasts will be removed from the Land or tamed so that they do not harm. Siyum Tractate Tamid (10)
  • Vol 7.24 - Bechukotai 2 : "And I will lead you upright" Debate in Talmud between R' Meir and R'. Yehuda
  • Vol 7.25 - Hosafot - Supplement : Vayikra - TOC Complete