Vol 10.28 - Hosafot - Supplement                                                                            Spanish French Audio  Video

Hebrew Text:



Bereshit   175

In aspect that are connected with creation there are set principles to decide between opposing opinions

Regarding kabbalah and Halacha like the kabbalah of the Arizal

The story of the creation of the world includes all the Seder Hishtalshelut

The asp of the seven Shmittot and Yovlot and that our world is the second Shmittah

Dispute between the Rebbe of Ziditshov (R’ Naftali Tzvi Labin) on the view of Chabad in the matter of time; two aspects in time. The common point is only regarding one aspect of time

The age of the world according to torah and its correlation with science

“Worlds without end” () – without limitation, limitations from the power of Ein Sof, the nimna Hanimnaot

Debate in the Opus (hemshech) Mayim Rabim 5636. Chapter 33. The difference between the beginning of creation () and the renewal of old

Beginning of chap 34 – parable from a flowing spring that has no interruption and measured receptacles are filled from it – to the creation of Gevul from the power of Ein Sof

Two views in “darkness” (); absence of light or a separate creation

Aspect of sin and punishment, in mineral and vegetative species (Rashi gen 1:11,12)

Correlating the measurement of the sun in Shaar HaYichud v’HaEmunah with current scientific knowledge

The current scientific opinion regarding the orbiting of the sun around the earth and its correlation with Scripture.

Contradictory Midrashim regarding if the path of the sun and the moon have changed since Creation

Debate regarding the time that the planets began to operate

Correlating three opinions in the in the light of the sun in the Future;

Explanation of the statement of Aquilas (proselyte, and disciple of Rabbi Akiva -Shmot Rabbah 30:12),”The smallest of them knows how the Holy One, blessed be He, created the universe”

Once, Aquilas said to Hadrian the king, ‘I wish to convert and to become one of Israel.’ He answered him, ‘You are seeking (to join) that nation? How have I despised it! How have I killed it; the most downtrodden of the nations you are asking to join!? What have you seen in them that you wish to be made a proselyte?’ He replied, ‘The smallest of them knows how the Holy One, blessed be He, created the universe; what was created on the first day and what was created on the second day, and how many (years) have passed since the universe was created, and by what (things) the world is sustained. Moreover, their Divine Law is the truth.’ He said to him, ‘Go and study their Divine Law, but do not be circumcised.’ Aquilas then said to him, ‘Even the wisest man in your kingdom, and an elder who is aged one-hundred, cannot study their Divine Law if he is not circumcised, for thus is it written: He makes known his words unto Jacob, even his precepts and judgments unto Israel. He has not done the like of which to any other nation, (Ps. 147:19-20). Unto whom, then, (has he done it)? Unto the sons of Israel!’

Explanation of the Alter Rebbe in his Shulchan Aruch (Hil. Shmirat haGuf v’Nefesh) regarding mixed drinks

Our custom in the blessing of the sun

Reproduction (Peru v’revu) – the first Mitzvah

If one fulfills the mitzvah of reproduction with two sons

Three explanations in the name of G-d – “Havaye”

Explanation of the words of the Zohar (1:53:2) regarding the exile of Adam from Gan Eden

Explanation of Rashi on the verse “and Chanoch walked with G-d, and he was no more”

Resolution on Shabbat Bereshit to fulfill Melaveh Malka publicly, every Motzai Shabbat

Custom of having a Melaveh Malka close to a Yahrzeit

Continuing the happiness of the festivals of Tishrei during the entire year

General letter of the beginning of Marcheshvan 5734

“And Yaakov went on his way” – continuing the aspects of the month of Tishrei during the whole year, especially in the year of “Hakhel”

General letter of the evening of the 15th of Kislev 5734

Continuation: specific explanation of the three aspects “Yaakov”, “Halach/went”, “l’darko, on his way”

The aspect of “and Yaakov went on his way” in connection with the work of “Machne Israel”

Continuing the joy of Tishrei throughout the entire year.

Noach      199

Lesson in the aspect of Chinuch from Rashi (beginning of Parshat Noach)

Reason that the Alter Rebbe omitted this law of the blessing on the rainbow

Lech Lecha      201

Virtue of farming, in all ways should you know Him

Teaching from the mistake of Avraham who wanted children and did not suffice with Eliezer - in the asp of Chinuch of children

Lesson from the Covenant between the Parts in the area of Chinuch

Lesson from the deeds of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs for our time

Correlating the sayings of the Sages that whoever is greater than his fellow has a greater inclination etc. with what is stated in Tanya that in Tzaddikim, the evil is transformed to good

Vayeira      204

Lesson from the birth of Yitzchak – conduct with Yisroel, above nature and intellectual accountings

Explanation of what is written in Iggeret HaKodesh Ep. 21 that many sacrificed their lives like Avraham Avinu at the Akedah

Virtue of alacrity according to the Iggeret HaKodesh there

Explanation of the words of Iggeret HaKodesh there that “Avraham Avinu did this with wondrous alacrity”

Chof Marcheshvan   206

The segulah of the day – the birthday of the Rebbe Rashab

Additional understanding of the soul after the Histalkus, story concerning the Baal Yom Holedet (Rebbe Rashab)

Chayei Sarah    208

“Bo bayamim” – complete days filled with Torah etc.

Repeating Chassidic discourses () at the time of one’s wedding and the custom to halt it in the middle of the recital

Precise wording of the blessing “to Torah, and to Chuppah, and to good deeds” – corresponding to the three patriarchs - Chitas

Comforting a mourner who was appointed to the army, on the death of his son

Explanation of the phrase “The Omnipresent should comfort you .. Tzion and Yerushalayim”

Four levels of comfort (for a mourner) according to Chassidut

Answer to a letter of comfort – Isaruta d;Leila isaruta d’letata

Resurrection of the dead; four levels of the soul

Comforting a woman on the death of her husband



Vayetze        213

Learning from the Parsha regarding the role of Jewish women

Resolving the “contradiction” between the wording of Torah Or and Torat Chaim s.v. “ul’lavan beit banot” regarding the understanding of Yaakov in the Hidden Realm (Alma D'itkasya)

Rosh Chodesh Kislev     215

Time of rain, rain and their downpour is the source of all the blessings and their drawing down below

A month of miracles and Geulah, so too in our time especially with regard to Torah, Mitzvot and Pnimiyut HaTorah         

The start of the days of Geulah and Chanukah whose common theme is Mesirat Nefesh for spreading Torah, Mitzvot and the wellsprings of Chassidut

Vayishlach     217

Blessings for a Bar Mitzvah that he should begin to realize the importance of title “Man/Adam” whichis the highest of the four appellations of a person



Vayishlach - Yud Tes Kislev


Yud Kislev

Inauguration of the Yeshiva on this day;

Saying of the Mitteler Rebbe concerning “Divine Providence”

Saying of the Mitteler Rebbe concerning the virtue of businessmen over Torah scholars

Yud, Yud-Tes Kislev 220

The days between Yud and Yud-Tes Kislev are like the days between birth and the Brit

Auspicious days for Geulah

Strengthening aspects of Torah and Mitzvot





Tet-Yud Kislev


Yud-Dalet Kislev


Yud-Tes Kislev  223

Day of the nullification of the accusation against the spreading of Chassidut etc. Story of the Alter Rebbe who was visited in prison by the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid

“Rosh Hashanah for the study of Chassidut etc.”

Virtue of conducting a farbrengen on this day

Explanation of the words of our Rebbeim “Rosh Hashanah etc.”

Torah study with our Sephardic brothers

Call of the time – the spiritual and inner mission of spreading Chassidut

Utilizing each moment in Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim with Torah study from the fear of Heaven

Story of the Alter Rebbe when fleeing from Napoleon and recovering the socks. Various paths in Judaism and the view of Chabad – the middle path (like Yaakov).

It is incumbent on Chabad Chassidim to educate their children in Chabad institutions

Organizing a farbrengen and the study of Chassidut (5713)

Two manners of a farbrengen - with many people or places, or, quality or quantity etc.

Joining in the farbrengen of Chag HaGeulah

Virtue of a farbrengen and its segulah

The entire life of a person – is prayer and Torah, and it must be through joy, especially through Torat Chabad

The term “Chochmah, Bina , Da’at” - “Chabad” in the Rambam Hil. Yesodey HaTorah 2:2. Importance of studying the foundations of Torah with intellectual concentration

In Chabad Chassidut, it emphasizes the increase and virtue of the deed

Explanation of the necessity to study Torat HaChassidut in our generations – like medicine etc.

Chassidut is not kabbalah; the study of “Kuntras eitz Hachaim” and “Kuntras u’Mayin”

In Chassidut, just like niglah, the maxim “if you did not toil, and found – do not believe it”, “the study is not the main thing but rather the deed” applies; Chabad Chassidut with regard to before it, similar to Talmud and Mishnah

Necessity to study Chabad Chassidut and not to suffice with the study of Polish Chassidut (), like Talmud and Mishnah

Explanation of the phrase of the Chassidim (cited in Kuntras u’Mayin): “Chabad, thank G-d lives, and G-d should give that Chagas should stop living ()

Strengthening the study of Chassidut

Setting times for the study of Chassidut

The manner of studying Chassidut and the Avodah of prayer – the main thing is the preface of “we will do before we will hear” ()

Repeating Mamarim, by heart

A wide knowledge in Torat HaChassidut

Order of study for one beginning to study Tanya

The necessity for spreading the wellsprings outward (debate in the term “spring waters”

The first point that is outside the well- “outward”

Explanation of the wording of the Rebbe Rayatz n his letter (sefer haMamarim 5710 pg. 94) that
“this letter stands in force. And on the contrary”

The aspect of “Padah b’Shalom” in the Avodah of each person

A farbrengen should lead to lessons in Chassidut. It is like a torch that people gather around

Drawing yeshiva students to study Chassidut

Response to one who is afraid to accept upon himself the “heavy yoke” of studying Chassidut

One who want to be “connected yet not a Chasid”

Virtue of the farbrengen of Yud-Tes Kislev with yeshiva students

Dissemination books of Tanya

Not to be affected by those who oppose

Response to those that oppose the study of Tanya

Strengthening faith and trust through Chassidut; how to react to those that oppose Chassidut

Response to the claim that there is no obligation to study Pnimiyut HaTorah

Prefacing “we will do before we will hear” with regard to the study of Chabad Chassidut

Segulah of the study of Chassidut

In the army, there must be additional holiness – the spreading of the wellsprings

“And my heart is awake” – especially in these times

Explanation of the phrase “I will open to them like the door of the Ulam”

“Rising in holiness” in the spreading of the wellsprings

The Avodah of “Tzeirei Agudas Chabad” - a widespread war to influence each person of the Jewish people

Dedication of a house () on Yud-Tes Kislev

Utilizing the auspicious days for the strengthening of spreading the wellsprings

A chosid is not alone; strengthening the connection between a person and his fellow

Connection of the Chabad Chassidim with another is founded on Tanya chap 32 etc.

Yearly celebration for the benefit of Tomchei Tmimim and the connection to Yud-Tes Kislev and the verse “Padah b’Shalom”

Continuation: “the love of G-d for the Torah and Yisroel”

Continuation: “Chinuch Katan” which is the preface to Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah (in Tanya)

“G-d gives us physicality in order that we transform it to spirituality”

Explanation of the precise wording “a chosid, a G-d-fearing person, and a scholar” ()

Explanation of the letter of the Rebbe Rayatz concerning the difference between a Chasid’s studying of Torah versus that of a Mitnaged

Explanation and the debate in the matter of “Chalukat haShas” (dividing the study of the entire Talmud among Chassidim) on Yud-Tes Kislev

Story of the Shpole Zaide and the “books of the Tzaddikim”

Yud-Tes Kislev – Chanukah  269

Connection of Yud-Tes Kislev to Chanukah, the epitome of the loftiness is drawn to the outside

Connection of Yud-Tes Kislev (the day of tidings) and Chanukah – particularly in the calendar setup where Yud-Tes Kislev falls on Sunday and Chanukah on Shabbat

Another commonality between Yud-Tes Kislev and Chanukah – Mesirat nefesh

The resolution of Yud-Tes Kislev must be in a manner of rising in holiness like the lesson of Chanukah

The segulah of the days with regard to the foundation of a yeshiva

Yud-Tes Kislev and Chanukah are both auspicious days for healing the body

Concerning the Maamer “Padah b’Shalom Ezr’t” (5677) and its study on the days of Chanukah etc.

Chanukah Gelt to those who participate in a lesson in Chassidut

Increase in the aspects of Chassidut like the lesson of the days of Chanukah

Chanukah  278

Lesson from Chanukah for the whole year – to increase in the aspects of Mitzvot. For example through an effort that there be a charity-box in every Jewish home

Chanukah – based on the dedication of the Beit HaMikdash, and from this a lesson for each person’s conduct in his own home.

The effect of the Chanukah candles – fixing and the completion of the world, and the lesson from this.

Lesson for Jewish children from the days of Chanukah

The study from the days of Chanukah - that Torah and Mitzvot illuminate the path of life and protect each person

Explanation of the giving of two coins to the military personnel – one for Tzedaka and one for Chanukah Gelt. The meaning of Chanukah Gelt and of Tzedaka. Unity

Special study for military personnel from the days of Chanukah

Drawing those far from Judaism close in a manner of elevating them and not stooping to their level, and the lesson from the Chanukah candle. Debate in this that oil permeates each thing and the manner of influencing another

The study of Chassidut (oil) must be outward (on the door of the house, outward)

The aspect of the “seal of the High Priest”

Strengthening the yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim – a continuation of the aspect of the miracle of Chanukah

The aspect of “placing the strong into the hand of the weak etc.” in Avodat HaAdam

Lesson from the Mesirat nefesh of the days of Chanukah for strengthening holy Chinuch in our generation


Connection of the miracle of Chanukah to women

The printing of the book “Beit Rebbe” close to Chanukah    301

The difference between Shabbat candles to Chanukah candles

Lesson for Jewish children

Three foundational lessons: ‘to illuminate the darkness’, ‘to illuminate the outside; ‘continual increase’ and the connection to women

The dedication of the Beit HaMikdash – and the connection to the dedication of the yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim; continuation; continuation

Announcement to all Anash in Eretz Yisroel to dedicate themselves in the area of Chinuch and teaching

Chanukah – publicizing the miracle outward and at night. Similar to Avodah in the time of Galut. The revelation of Moshiach, fulfilling the words of the Baal Shem Tov

Details of the laws of Chanukah candles when one lives on a higher floor.  Lesson in Avodat HaAdam, especially during the pangs of Moshiach  

“Rising in holiness” – whether it is Biblical or Rabbinic

Auspicious days for the healing of the body

Hint from the candle lighting for the Avodah of the entire year

Reason that the Alter Rebbe changed in his siddur to “on the wonders” in place of “on the wars”

Reasons for the aspect of the “Shamash” in the Chanukah candles

Publicizing the “Tefilin campaign” (Mivtza Tefilin) in the days of Chanukah.

Zot Chanukah  317

Two explanations in Chassidut: drawing down Atik into deed; drawing down Arich into the powers of the soul – in Avodat HaAdam

The aspect of “zot Chanukah” according to the exoteric part of Torah (Niglah)

Winter  319

Nital – our custom, its time and place





Asara B’Tevet  


Vayechi             320

Story of the Tzemach Tzedek that the main living of Yaakov was in Egypt

Notes on the sefer “Taharat Yom Tov” in the debate of disallowing the children to follow after the coffin and to ban with the blowing of the shofar, that they remain in the house.

Time for beginning Kaddish and the setting of the yahrzeit for one who passed on the eighth day of Marcheshvan but was not buried until the seventh day of Kislev

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